How does our Fundraiser Work?
- Our Fundraising campaigns are all done through your own custom eCommerce store.
- There are no upfront costs or out-of-pocket expenses. Once we have your signed agreement, you pick the products for your site, we will then begin creating your custom store
- We set up the sites using your merchant account or Paypal account. All sales are paid to your organization.
- Once the store goes live, you then have a set time frame (usually 2-3 weeks) for your campaign.
- At the end of your campaign, we sill send you a total for your sales, a breakdown of the products sold, and a list of the sales by “Sales Associate” (For our Gift Card Incentive Program). You pay us for the cost of the items, keep your profit.
- Once payment is received, it takes about 2-3 weeks for us to ship the orders. Orders can either be pre-packaged and delivered in bulk (no shipping charge), or delivered directly to the customer.
How long do the campaigns last?
A typical campaign lasts 2-3 weeks. It is important to create a sense of urgency.
What products can we sell?
We offer a wide range of products – Coffee, Tea, Drinkware, Accessories, Custom Apparel, Lanyards, and more. We will work with your to create the ideal product mix for your campaign.
Does your campaign require Door-to-Door or in person sales?
No. We created our company around the idea that Door-to-Door sales are not needed to succeed. Our customer eCommerce sites allow organizations to promote their campaigns through email, Social Media, over the phone, and in person.
Do customers have to order online?
Yes, all orders must be placed through the website. however, the customer can choose to pay via credit card, or directly to your organization with a check or cash (if you choose that option).
What about people that don’t want to order online?
You can still sell to someone offline, however in order for the order to be processed, it must be entered through the site. Simply take the order offline, then log into the site and enter the order for your customer. If they paid with cash or a check, click that as the payment choice when checking out.
How do we motivate our members to participate?
We understand that simply having a fundraiser does not mean it will be a successful fundraiser. We offer an incentive program for organizations that meet pre-defined sales goals. Our Gift Card incentive program rewards up to the top 5 “Sales Associates” as well as at least One randomly chosen “Sales Associate” with gift cards for retailers like Dick Sporting Goods, Amazon, or a number of other retailers that you choose. For more info on how the program works fill out our Get Started Form
Do you have customer service?
Of course! Our friendly and knowledgeable customer services reps are available to answer your questions M-F 8am – 5pm pst.